Maine Developmental Disabilities Council

The State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of Aging and Disability Services

offers free training to become an Independent Support Broker!

The zero cost Support Broker training is availableHERE.

In order to complete the training, you must Request a username and password

Under the tab “Find New Learning Modules” search for ME OADS. You will find the 7 learning modules. They are also hyperlinked below.

Plan to spend approximately 3.5 hours to complete all of the modules. You can pause and start at your own pace. You will need to complete all 7 modules. At the conclusion of each module, complete the 6 to 10-question evaluation. You must correctly answer 80% of the questions to complete each module successfully. Once you successfully complete a module, you will be emailed with a certificate. Save the PDF certificate from each of the 7 modules. You may need them to complete the application to OADS to be listed as an Independent Support Broker.


Click here to download Self Direction Support Broker Info PDF.

Support brokers make a difference in their community by helping individuals living with developmental disabilities live their best lives.

Support brokers may

o Act as a “connector” to help participants identify people, places and ways that they can contribute to and belong to their communities.

o Provide information and assistance to help participants exercise choice and control over their community services and supports.

o Help participants identify, hire, and manage their direct care workers and complete documentation.

o Assist participants to develop spending plans and monitor their budgets.


The Maine Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC) conducts advocacy, capacity building and systemic change activities through a partnership of people with disabilities, their families, and agencies. MDDC identifies and resolves barriers to community inclusion, self-determination, and independence. To that end, MDDC is seeking to increase the capacity of Maine’s developmental service system to provide support brokerage to self-directing waiver participants. Support brokerage is an integral component of successful self-direction and is not a service that is widely available in Maine. 




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Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
526 Western Avenue  Unit 2
Augusta, ME 04330



139 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333


Phone: 207-480-1478 or toll free 833-713-2618