Maine Developmental Disabilities Council

Membership Application Form
  1. Name(*)
    Invalid Input
  2. Address (*)
    Invalid Input
  3. City, State, Zip Code(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. Primary Phone #(*)
    Invalid Input
  5. Invalid Input
  6. Additional Phone #
    Invalid Input
  7. Invalid Input
  8. Additional Phone # 2
    Invalid Input
  9. Invalid Input
  10. Email(*)
    Invalid Input
  11. Please check either "yes" or "no" for each of the following:

  12. A) Person with a developmental disability (DD)(*)
    Invalid Input
  13. B) Parent/guardian of a child under 18 years old who has DD(*)
    Invalid Input
  14. C) Immediate family/guardian of an adult who has DD(*)
    Invalid Input
  15. D) Member or employee of a local and/or non-governmental agency, or a non-profit group concerned with services for persons with DD and their families in Maine(*)
    Invalid Input
  16. E) Employed by a State agency that provides services for children and/or adults with developmental disabilities(*)
    Invalid Input
  17. Please respond to each of the following questions.

  18. A) How did you hear about the Maine DD Council?(*)
    Invalid Input
  19. B) Why do you want to be a member of the Maine DD Council?(*)
    Invalid Input
  20. D) What strengths and/or skills will you bring to the Council? (Examples: strong self-advocate, advocacy experience, experience with strategic planning, management, or communications, knowledge of the legislative process, personal commitment, etc.)(*)
    Invalid Input
  21. E) Will you be able to make the necessary time commitment involved in being a member of the Maine DD Council? Please briefly explain(*)
    Invalid Input
  22. (Please Note: The full Council meets bi-monthly (6 times) throughout the year. In addition, members are required to serve on at least one committee, which may meet as frequently as once a month. Members are expected to review materials and information sent by Council staff in preparation for meetings.)


    Please provide two references we can contact for a recommendation. These should be individuals who know you personally and/or professionally and would be able to comment on the strengths, skills and experience you would contribute as a member of the Council.

  23. Reference 1 Name(*)
    Invalid Input
  24. Reference 1 Primary Phone(*)
    Invalid Input
  25. Invalid Input
  26. Reference 1 Email
    Invalid Input
  27. Reference 1 How do you know this individual?(*)
    Invalid Input
  28. Reference 2 Name(*)
    Invalid Input
  29. Reference 2 Primary Phone(*)
    Invalid Input
  30. Type
    Invalid Input
  31. Reference 2 Email
    Invalid Input
  32. Reference 2 How do you know this individual?(*)
    Invalid Input
  33. Please feel free to contact the Council at 207-480-1478 or toll free 833-713-2618 if you have questions or would like additional information.




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Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
526 Western Avenue  Unit 2
Augusta, ME 04330



139 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333


Phone: 207-480-1478 or toll free 833-713-2618