Maine Developmental Disabilities Council

2019 Inclusion Awards Ceremony

Winners of the Essay and Art Contest - from left to right, Sam Peterson, Maddie Beckwith, Galina Fallon, Nicholas Alexander, Ben Burgess, Seth Tapley, and Reagan Davis

On April 25, 2019, the Maine Developmental Disabilities Council honored students who created remarkable works, essays and art, around the idea of inclusion for people with developmental disabilities in our communities. These young adults exemplify the attitudes and ideas we need to cultivate in the future for the benefit of all!

The ceremony was held in the Hall of Flags at the State House in Augusta, and featured the winning artworks, as well as highlights from the winning essays.

Display of artwork, a poster highlighting one of the essay winners, and vases of flowers at the Inclusion Ceremony

Deputy Commissioner Daniel Chuhta from the Department of Education and State Representative Dennis Keschl presented awards to the students, as well as teachers and schools who made an impact through this contest.

Representative Keschl and Reagan Davis


Also honored was State Representative Richard Farnsworth, who has been a stalwart supporter of the rights of people with developmental disabilities for many years, with MDDC’s Policymaker Award.

 Jon McGovern and Kile Pelletier present Representative Farnsworth with the Policymaker Award

On hand to support our honorees were members of the Council, self-advocates, parents, legislators, representatives from state agencies, and other members of our community.

Monique Stairs, Angela Burgess, and Rachel Dyer

The crowd at the 2019 Inclusion Ceremony

Congratulations again to the winners of the 2019 Inclusion Awards!

Winning educators with Nancy Cronin




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Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
526 Western Avenue  Unit 2
Augusta, ME 04330



139 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333


Phone: 207-480-1478 or toll free 833-713-2618